2021. 5. 12. 13:15ㆍ개발공부/자료구조 알고리즘
Hash tables
Hash function : stores entries (k,v) in bucket arrays A[f(k)].
- Collision might invoke → hash code maps key k to an integer. compression function maps hash code to an integer within a range of indexes.
- The advantage of separating hash function into two components is that mapping hash code is independent from table size.
- Equivalent keys must have same hash code so they can map to the same bucket.
> Object equals & hash code equals → compression function
How to avoid collision
- Use bit representational, polynomial, Java
- Need less
Java Hash Table Implementation
- Code reading will be important.
public V put(K key, V value) {
V answer = bucketPut(hashValue(key), key, value);
if (n > capacity / 2)
resize(2 * capacity - 1);
return answer;
private int hashValue(K key) {
return (int) ((Math.abs(key.hashCode()*scale + shift) % prime) % capacity);
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- Set bucket index to unique number then add Entry<K,V> to hash table.
Sorted Maps
Extension of exact search, which is finding value by given key.
Example : time stamp and occurrence of the each events. Map don't provide sort, but hash-based map ADT intentionally scatter keys to each other which seem very "near".
Sorted Search Tables
- In purpose of using binary search → store map's entries in array in hash table. And sort keys in ascending order.
- Pros : good at indexing and find Entry. ↔ Cons : bad at put, remove (like ArrayList)
Two Applications of Sorted Maps
- In condition that keys are ordered and existing reason of nearby keys have relevance to search.
- Flight Databases
> Get first flight in certain condition : ceilingEntry(k)
> Return all flights in certain condition : subMap(k1, k2)
- Maxima Sets
> CostPerformaceDatabase : implement best(int cost) and add(int cost, int performance)
Similar to Maps, except not providing auxiliary of values.
- Widely used
- Accept duplicate keys but different values.
> Separate entries or make secondary container for key k, {v, v1, v2, ...}
> Value as List<V> = new ArrayList<>()
출처 : Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 6th Edition 6th Edition (Michael T. Goodrich, Wiley)
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