[Data Structures & Algorithms in Java 6th] Ch.8 - Trees

2021. 4. 29. 19:56개발공부/자료구조 알고리즘


Tree Structure - Github 코드


- Trees data structure is much faster than liner data structures, such as arrays or linked lists.


- non liner data structure is much more richer than simple "before" and "after" data structure.


- The relationships in trees are hierarchical.


- Formal Tree Definition(Look for keywords)

  . internal/external : with or without child nodes.

  . edge : a pair of parent, child node.

  . path : sequence of nodes.




💡Abstract Data Type(ADT)

💡accessor method : simply getting method, query method : find information and declare.


- Define Tree interface

  . Generics : generics help you detect bugs during compile time and this is helpful since run time bug can be more problematic.

  . <E> : when actual method is invoked, argument is substituted for formal type parameter.

Java Generics Tutorial, Generics Introduction

//Before implementing Generic
List myIntList = new LinkedList(); // 1
    myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); // 2
Integer x = (Integer) myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3
//After implementing Generic
    myIntList = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // 1'
myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); // 2'
Integer x = myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3'


💡Difference btw interface and abstract class is method definition existence.

  . So if abstract classes implements an interface, there is less work remains to complete a concrete implementation.


- Binary Trees

  . An ordered tree every node has a most two children.

  . A left child precedes a right child in order of children of a node

 . Level of nodes = depth of nodes

 . External node = Internal node + 1


- Implementation of LinkedBinaryTrees

  . remove method defunct node conventionally delete every fields except parent, which refers node it self. It can be detected in validate().

  . big(O) efficiency


- Array-Based Representation of a Binary Tree

  . based on numbering position. numbering function is known as level numbering.

  . numbering don't need to be consecutive. Numbering makes convert to Array easier.

- It depends deeply on shape of the Tree.


- Inefficient worst-case space usage can occur N(length) = 2n(square) - 1.

  . But there are applications array representational binary tree space efficient.

  . Another drawback is remove method. Not one child node moves location, all descendants of child.


- LinkedStructure in General(Not Binary) Tree

  . Use collection(array or list) to work as a container in method children().


- Tree Traversal Algorithms

  . Execute actions concerns with position p, traversal application might help increment performing complex computation for p.

  . Preorder : perform visit root of T first then traverse child nodes recursively.

  . Postorder : perform visit root of T last traverse child nodes first.

  . Breadth-First Tree : visit all the positions at depth p first then move to depth p+1.

     > Use widely in software for playing games → game tree seek possible choices player can make. root is initial configuration of the game(Tic-tac-toe)

     > Main reason is that computer might not able to visit complete game, so visit breadth-first and response to certain moves.

    > Pseudocode using queue(enqueue : insert from the end / dequeue : get from the front)


Breadth-First Tree


- Inorder Traversal of a Binary Tree

  . visit position p after traverse left subtree then traverse right.


- Binary Search Tree

  . ordered sequence of tree, binary search tree is used.

  . It has order as below principles.


  . Search for value v with position p element e(p). If v < e(p) visit to left, if opposite, visit to right, else equals found successfully.

  . Big(O) takes from log(n+1) to n - 1 so binary search trees are most efficient when they have small height.


- Applications of Tree Traversals

 . Table of Contents

   > Insert indent(들여쓰기) using preorder(), invoking depth() to every position ends up with Big(O) asymptotically optimal(worsen as input increases). O(n2)


- Computing disk space

 . Recursively visit all disk files then explicitly define whole disk space. So use postorder()


- Parenthetic Representations of a Tree

 . Put trees into Computer friendly words, add parenthesis'()' and comma ',' with defining recursively.


- Using Inorder Traversal for Drawing

 . left subtree → position p → right substree


- Euler Tours

 . Type of traversal defined as "walk" from root toward leftmost child.

 . Complexity of walk is O(n). There are two visits, pre visit(left toward down) and post visit(right toward up).


출처 : Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 6th Edition 6th Edition (Michael T. Goodrich, Wiley)